Pets and poison don’t mix. Well, sometimes they do, but the point is they SHOULD NOT. The problem is, we sometimes don’t know what might be poisonous for our pets. So, here’s a list (not a complete list, mind you, but a list nonetheless) of the more common items your pets should stay away from.

  1. Table Food: Onions and garlic are commonly used in cooking, but did you know that they could harm your dog? And they’re not the only foods that can. For example, grapes can be VERY toxic to dogs. So, be safe — just say “no” to feeding your pets table food no matter how cute they look when begging you with their little puppy/kitty eyes. Stay strong!
  2. Human Medicine: Human medicine often has additives to make it taste better/help humans digest it — those additives can be harmful for pets (xylitol anyone??). Your best bet is to not give your pets ANY medicine intended for humans unless directly instructed to by your veterinarian.
  3. Household Chemicals: Any household chemical could be toxic to your pets. Keep them away!
  4. Insecticides: If you get your house treated for insects, make sure the company/product you use is “pet safe”. Best practice is to kennel your pet during treatment as well.
  5. Rodenticides: Not only should you keep your pet away from rodent poison, you should also NEVER let them have access to a rodent that has eaten poison since they will ingest the poison WITH the rodent.
  6. Plants: we know they’re pretty, but certain plants can be poisonous to your pets. Check first before bringing that plant inside!

So what do you do if your pet ingests something that may be poisonous? Get help immediately by calling your vet (daytime) or an emergency clinic (after normal work hours). When calling your vet, the most important things you can tell them are the following: when you think your pet ingested the poison, how much they ingested, and the list of ingredients on the package of what they ingested. Pets and poison don’t often mix, but in the unlikely event that they do, we’re here to help.

For a more comprehensive list of household items that may be poisonous, click here

Helpful numbers
Huntcliff Veterinary Clinic (Clinton, MS): (601)-924-4549
Urgivet (Madison, MS): (601)-790-1018
Animal Poison Control Center (Nationwide): (855)-764-7661