What can we say? Puppies are ADORABLE with their squishy little bellies, sweet sounds, and absolutely precious snuggles. Who wouldn’t smile seeing their gangly little legs awkwardly running toward you to give you slobbery puppy kisses? Such sweet little babies! But, sadly, they don’t stay little babies for long — they turn into BIG babies who, guess what? Have more babies. And more babies. And then those babies have babies and on and on and on. Which would be wonderful if there were enough homes to house all of them. But, sadly, there aren’t. So what can we do? Stop the cycle by spaying and neutering. Here are just a few thoughts that might help you with the decision to spay/neuter your dog.

Stop the cycle by spaying and neutering.

NEUTER (MALE) — neutering can help with a number of things including

  1. Behavior: Does your dog act aggressively toward other dogs or pee inside the house? Neutering may help.
  2. Overpopulation: Let’s face it, one intact male dog can impregnate multiple female dogs if given access to them. Over a 10 year lifespan, he could father 120+ puppies. And that’s just ONE intact male dog.
  3. Health: Keeping a male dog intact also increases the possibility of testicular cancer. Neutering eliminates that possibility.

SPAY (FEMALE) — spaying can help with a number of things including

  1. Behavior: Is your female dog desperately trying to escape your backyard? She may be in heat and trying to find a mate. Spaying may help.
  2. Overpopulation: An intact female with access to intact males could have 120+ puppies in a 10 year lifespan. Again, that’s just ONE intact female.
  3. Health: Spaying your dog can prevent uterine infection and reduce her risk of breast cancer, both of which can be fatal for your sweet pup.

Whew — convinced yet? We certainly are! So, don’t delay — neuter and spay today!

To schedule your pet’s neuter or spay, simply call us at 601-924-4549.

+49 856 9568 95

39 Lion Street

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Dr. Frederick Lahodny

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