Obesity in pets is such a simple yet complicated problem. We love our pets. Really love them. And we love to show them how much we love them by feeding them plenty of scrumptious food and giving them lots of delectable treats. I mean, really, how do they know if...
Pets and poison don’t mix. Well, sometimes they do, but the point is they SHOULD NOT. The problem is, we sometimes don’t know what might be poisonous for our pets. So, here’s a list (not a complete list, mind you, but a list nonetheless) of the more...
Blood really is life — it courses through our veins, arteries, and capillaries bringing nutrients and oxygen to vital organs, carrying platelets to heal and antibodies to fight infection (yay for health and keeping our blood where it belongs!), regulating body...
What can we say? Puppies are ADORABLE with their squishy little bellies, sweet sounds, and absolutely precious snuggles. Who wouldn’t smile seeing their gangly little legs awkwardly running toward you to give you slobbery puppy kisses? Such sweet little babies!...
Kittens, kittens everywhere and not a home to take them! A plethora of kittens is undoubtedly the CUTEST problem to have — fuzzy little fur balls mewing excitedly or purring contentedly, lapping up attention like water with their tiny pink tongues. Who...